Well, well, well, what do we have here?
Oh, look! The guy who takes a year to update his site, to say it's been a year to update his site, is back a year later with a site update!
Media Button Overlay Cumulative Update Notes
I never really got to write about the last updates to Media Button Overlay. Though it's been a year, I still want my posts to reflect all of the updates since I kept the historic posts intact.
Migration and Rebuilding
It's been a while since I've done anything with this site. School, work, and other things have been occupying a lot of my time in the last year, but not enough to the point that I've stopped working on everything.
Media Button Overlay Updated
After a little frustration in dealing with a busy schedule, I've added a couple of features to Media Button Overlay that give it a bit more response. As such, I've named it the Feedback update.
Adding Tasker/Locale Support
A feature that was requested a couple times of my app Media Button Overlay was an action plugin for Tasker, an automation tool for Android. While working though this, I found that there weren't too many resources online, other than sample code. Now that I've figured it out, I've decided to write up how I did it for others in the future.