Mike Korcha


Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Oh, look! The guy who takes a year to update his site, to say it's been a year to update his site, is back a year later with a site update!

Indeed, I've finally taken the time to go through and put everything back together again. How hard can that be? Turns out, not very, but time constraints and procrastination can really do a number on someone's non-work activities.


From my last post, I decided I would just bring everything back in from the old blog (some links are probably broken, though). Anything before that (the 2013 era) I can't seem to find. It's probably in a backup somewhere, and if I find it I'll probably dump it back in. That'll be what, three welcome (back) posts across 9 postings over almost four years? I'm really bad at this.

My site is now statically built. I used Jinja2 and Misaka in Python to generate all of the HTML pages. I used SASS and a very small amount of Vanilla JS to make everything pretty (I still think my last layout was pretty, though). Perhaps I'll write a post about it.

The front page now has my links, a link to this blog, and a link to my projects listing. Maybe I'll do another About Me one day.

This Blog

Let's face it, I'm terrible at keeping this thing. I'll keep saying that I'll regularly update it and then not do it. So instead, now I'll just say that I'll post here when I have something interesting to share, something useful to share, or some updates on my tech-life.

Oh, and speaking of life updates...

I also have a beard now. People told me not to, but I did. They now regret telling me not to. Note to self, take a new picture.

  • site
Written 2016-12-30