Mike Korcha


Media Button Overlay Updated

I spent the last few days updating my app, Media Button Overlay, to include support for automation applications such as Tasker and Locale.

New Features

With Tasker, you can automate tasks based on a context in a profile that you can create. For example, you could create a task to launch Spotify when you open Google Maps.

With Locale, you specify conditions with which you phone does something. If you were say, at school, and your phone's GPS showed you there, you could set it up to shut off your phone's ringer.

The newest feature to Media Button Overlay is that it now contains a plugin for these applications. All you have to do is add a task to a profile, for example, launching Google Maps. Then, you would go into Plugins and select Media Button Overlay. The configuration options are exactly as they would be should you launch the app normally, this simply starts the overlay with your settings when your task is invoked.

Open Source & Tutorial

I've made the code for this app open source on Github. I also rebuilt the Locale API which is needed for adding these features into an Android Studio project, which also generates a library file that can be used in any Android Studio project. It can be found on Github.

Since writing this update was fairly unintuitive, I also plan to write a tutorial on adding Tasker support to an application, as well as release a barebones Android Studio project which can be used as a base for creating Tasker plugins, should anyone want to.

Get It

  • media-button-overlay
  • release-notes
Written 2014-04-06